About Me

I'm an avid developer from Vijayawada, India.

Me Deepak Perla I am a focused and highly committed individual who strives for greatness in existence. I trust in Continuous Training and Development. Spent quality time studying and applying some fantastic tools and technologies. Where I can educate, progress, discover, and increase my abilities while also excelling as part of a fantastic team. 
And I'm work for tasks that always profit both the organization and me.

Mobile +91 7075253468
Email deepakperla.offl@gmail.com
Website Deepak Portfolio
Resume Contact me

My Skill

I am well-versed in Data Structures and Data Modelling, Quantitative Analytic Methodologies and Statistics, Pandas, Numpy, matplotlib, Seaborn, Flask, and Selenium, along with Computer Engineering basics and Software Development abilities. Skilled in Debugging, Development, Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Python. Strong Design background with a Bachelor of Technology - B.Tech focused in Computer Science Engineering from BML Munjal University.

Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib

My Projects

What i have done

Books Website

Made a fully fucntional frontend+backend website in localhost.

Interactive Chatbot-RASA

The bot replies to following functions booking room by place and dates.

Selenium Bots

Selenium's primary use is for software testing and automation.


Speech Detection Analysis in Audio using MFCC.

Home Automation

Made a completely wokring dashboard connected to sensors and in optimised way.

Web Scraping

Built a web scrapper app with Flask, Python's most lightweight web framework on Amazon website.




Projects Done





My Interests

Hmm...my leisure time
  • Binge F1
  • Cruciverbalist
  • Researching
  • Photography
  • Movies

My Experience

My Timeline

My Education

2016 - 2017
Triplaar School of Learning

CBSE Board

2017 - 2019
Sarada Educational Institutions

Andhra Pradesh State Board

2019 - Present
BML Munjal University

Bachelor of Technology, Computer Science Engineering

My Interns

JUNE 2020 - JULY 2021 (1mo)
International Model United Nations

Student Ambassador Program

JUNE 2021 - AUGUST 2021 (2mo)
Sabudh Foundation

Machine Learning Intern

SEPTEMBER 2021 - DECEMBER 2021 (3mo)
The Enterpreneurship Network

Devops Associate Intern

MARCH 2022 - APRIL 2022 (1mo)
Resoenix Capitals Pvt. Ltd.

Algorithm Intern

My Blog

Latest blog

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is an associate application of computing (AI) that has systems the power to mechanically learn and improve from expertise while not being expressly programmed. Machine learning focuses on the event of laptop programs that will access knowledge and use it to learn for themselves

The process of learning begins with observations or knowledgelike examples, direct expertise, or instruction, so as to appear for patterns in knowledge and build higher choices within the future supported the examples that we offer. The first aim is to permit the computers to learn mechanically while not human intervention or help and alter actions consequently.

Types of Machine Learning

  • Supervised machine learning algorithms will apply what has been learned within the past to new knowledge victimization tagged examples to predict future events. ranging from the analysis of a renowned coaching dataset, the training algorithmic program produces associate inferred operate to create predictions concerning the output values. The system is ready to produce targets for any new input when enough coachingthe training algorithmic program also can compare its output with the propersupposed output and realize errors so as to switch the model consequently.

  • In distinctionunattended machine learning algorithms area unit used once the data wont to train is neither classified nor taggedunattended learning studies, however, systems will infer an operation to explain a hidden structure from untagged knowledge. The system doesn’t discover the proper output, however, it explores {the knowledge|the info|the information} and might draw inferences from datasets to explain hidden structures from untagged data.
  • Semi-supervised machine learning algorithms fall somewhere in between supervised and unattended learning since they use each tagged and untagged knowledge for coaching – usually a little quantity of tagged knowledge and an oversized quantity of untagged knowledge. The systems that use this methodology area unit able to significantly improve learning accuracy. Usually, semi-supervised learning is chosen once the noninheritable tagged knowledge needs masterful and relevant resources so as to coach it / learn from it. Otherwise, getting untagged knowledge usually doesn’t need further resources.
  • Reinforcement machine learning algorithms could be a learning methodology that interacts with its atmosphere by manufacturing actions and discovers errors or rewards. Trial and error search and delayed reward area unit the foremost relevant characteristics of reinforcement learning. This methodology permits machines and software package agents to mechanically verify the best behavior among a selected context so as to maximize its performance. easy reward feedback is needed for the agent to find out that action is best; this can be called the reinforcement signal.

Machine learning permits the analysis of huge quantities of knowledgewhereas it usually delivers quickeradditional correct leads to order to spot profitable opportunities or dangerous risks, it should conjointly need time beyond regulation and resources to coach it properly. Combining machine learning with AI and psychological feature technologies will create it even simpler in process giant volumes of knowledge

these information analytics algorithms construct a sturdy framework for quality deciding.

As such, information analytics is employed much in each business facet of business operation.

Let’s run down the foremost common.
  • Sales and operations coming up with tools ar unified dashboards for the observance of the activity normally and thoroughly. In alternative words, it's a secure system that uses information analytics fully scale.
  • Product Analytics - as a middle for the data concerning the merchandise use;
  • Customer Modelling and Audience Segmentation - information analytics is employed to spot relevant audience segments and to outline and describe the subcategories of the shoppers. With prognosticative analytics - it's additionally capable of shrewd attainable courses of actions for various forms of users in specific situations.
  • Market analysis / Content Research could be a set of tools to explain associate degree setting around you. It gets to grasp higher what this market scenario is and what reasonable action ought to be taken to create the foremost out of it.

Top 10 real-life examples of Machine Learning

  • Image Recognition. Image recognition is one of the most common uses of machine learning. 
  • Speech Recognition. Speech recognition is the translation of spoken words into the text. 
  • Medical diagnosis. 
  • Statistical Arbitrage. 
  • Learning associations. 
  • Classification. 
  • Prediction. 
  • Extraction.

Want to colonize mars

Humans must prioritize the colonization of Mars so the species can be conserved in the event of a third world war, SpaceX and Tesla founder Elon Musk said.

“It’s important to get a self-sustaining base on Mars because it’s far enough away from earth that [in the event of a war] it’s more likely to survive than a moon base,” Musk said on stage at SXSW – just days after Donald Trump announced to meet the North Korean President in an attempt to defuse rising nuclear tension.

Musk has never made his ambitions to make humans a "multi-planetary species". Colonizing Mars would be a good start, according to Musk.

At the 68th International Astronautical Congress in Adelaide in September 2017 he unveiled his plan to send cargo ships there in the next 5 years.

By extension, he hopes that humans will be settling the planet as soon as 2024.

Elon Musk's full Mars rocket and spaceship talk - Business Insider

And also He wants to Die on Mars

Let's build a rollercoaster in our Fremont Factory

Elon Musk has defended his idea about installing a real roller coaster in Tesla's Fremont factory. According to Musk a lot of their staff have slides as hobbies.

"You’d get in, and it would take you around [the] factory but also up and down. Who else has a roller coaster?  It would probably be really expensive, but I like the idea of it."

Musk wants to travel at 1124 km/h (700 mph) underground

The plan is to ultimately provide a means of travel that should be able to exceed 1124 km/h and all underground. At present two routes are in development - between Los Angeles and San Francisco and between New York and Washington D.C from his boring company

Once complete these trips should take no more than 30 minutes using Hyperloop.

Here are the latest plannings of Elon Musk's future

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